- Examine potential for improvement. We wanted to gain an insight in the current time needed to complete administrative tasks in the front-offices. Based on information already available, Möbius drew up a process map, with an overview of the various administrative and commercial tasks. By means of ‘shadowing moments’ on the one hand and an employee-survey on the other hand, a time estimate was determined for each activity, as well as some general perceived pain points and opportunities for improvement. Based on the most important findings, Möbius made a Business Case for the future. The management of SD Worx Staffing Solutions decided about which parts to implement.
- Set up processes. In several workshops with employees from various parts of the organisation, the processes were defined. The AS IS processes were drawn up high-level, in order to be able to determine the starting point. Then the desired TO BE processes were mapped. These processes were worked out to a detailed process level and the authorisations (RACI) and information carriers were integrated as well. We also looked at the set requirements and the intended Quick Wins. An important element for success was the frequent coordination with the management team and the thorough communication to the whole organization.
- Implementation. Möbius provided the preparation for the implementation of the Mid-Office’ administrative processes. All materials for management and internal experts were developed and explained, e.g. a kick-off presentation, checklists, instruction materials, … This allowed the existing organisation to quickly start implementing the new way of working.

Möbius’ approach has led to:
A clear process model and process descriptions for all Mid-Office’ administrative processes. This enables the employees involved to see where the responsibilities per activity lie and which information needs to be transferred to other colleagues.
An implementation plan that makes it possible to roll out the new processes in an orderly and clear way per front-office.
A first version of a KPI-dashboard with which management can steer on the performance of the organization.
Support within all parts of the organisation regarding the centralisation of the administrative processes.