Since January 2019 parents are free to choose a fund for child allowance. Before that, child allowances where automatically regulated by the (last) employer of the father or the Social Insurance fund for self-employed fathers. In this new private market, child allowance funds may differentiate themselves by proposing extra services. KidsLife – the merged entity of Group S Child Allowance, ADMB Child Allowance Fund and Horizon het Gezin – asked Möbius to support them in the transition to this new child allowance system. This included providing insight into customer needs and expectations and translating these into a future-oriented customer strategy.
Möbius collaborated with employees from various departments to develop futureproof and multi-channel customer journeys to improve customer experience design. These were based on the family lifecycle, the most important key moments within it and with an attention for each type of stakeholder based on personas. Four customer journeys were designed in total, with a focus on the subsequent design of the new website, the communication & marketing strategy, and the digital portal for applying for child allowance, namely:
Buyers journey – attracting new customers through relevant and personal content
Onboarding journey - offering a smooth and qualitative welcome to new customers
Operations journey - serving the customer, e.g. timely & correct payments, answering questions, ...
Customer Success Journey - Engaging in customer loyalty and creating ambassadors
Next, based on this, a large-scale online quantitative survey was conducted. Through a panel, families (n = 850) and future mothers (n = 150) were surveyed in Flanders and Wallonia. Topics covered included: which aspects of the service are important when choosing a child allowance fund, which new product & service concepts are considered relevant, what is the preferred channel for each type of interaction, ...
The project resulted in relevant customer experience design insights and objectives. The approach used provided a future-oriented and innovative result, in which the customer was at the center, and which offered the necessary input to further shape the future service model.