Optimising Business Processes for better performance


Learn about how process optimisation can help companies improve efficiency, productivity and performance, and find out how Möbius can help.


In a world where companies are constantly striving for efficiency, process optimisation plays a vital role. It is a strategic tool that helps organisations minimise waste, improve productivity, and generally improve business performance. But what exactly does process optimisation mean? And how can it help companies achieve their goals? In this article, we take a closer look at these questions. 


The foundation of process optimisation 

Process optimisation is all about analysing and improving business processes. It is a systematic approach to making the way we do things more efficient and effective. This can range from streamlining production processes to improving customer journeys 

The aim is to reduce waste, minimise errors and increase productivity. The result is often an improvement in overall business performance, including higher profit margins, reduced employee frustration and improved customer satisfaction. 


The main methods of process optimisation 

There are several methods of process optimisation that companies can adopt. Let us examine some of the most popular approaches. 

Lean Management

Lean Management, originally developed by Toyota, focuses on eliminating waste in processes. Key principles include creating customer value, minimising waste, and striving for continuous improvement.  

Tools such as Kaizen (a Japanese term meaning 'change for the better') and 5S (Sort, Arrange, Clean, Standardise, Maintain) are essential in this approach. 

Six Sigma

Six Sigma, developed by Motorola, aims for near perfection in business processes. The goal is to reduce the number of errors in a process to less than 3.4 per million opportunities. The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) methodology is one of the core tools of Six Sigma. 

Total Quality Management (TQM)

TQM is a management approach aimed at long-term success through customer satisfaction. TQM integrates all organisational functions (marketing, finance, design, engineering, and production) to focus on quality. The PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is one of the most important tools in TQM. 


The benefits of process optimisation 

Process optimisation has several benefits. It can help cut costs by minimising waste. It can increase productivity by making processes more efficient. It can lead to improved customer satisfaction through better quality of products or services, and it can lead to a better employee experience by eliminating unnecessary and/or reducing time-consuming procedures.  

Moreover, process optimisation gives companies a competitive advantage. By continuously improving and optimising their processes, companies can innovate faster, react faster to market changes and ultimately stay ahead of their competitors. 


How to get started with process optimisation 

Implementing process optimisation in your organisation can seem like a daunting task, but with the right steps, it is doable. 

  1. Identify the process you want to improve: It can be any business activity, from manufacturing to customer service.

  2. Analyse the current process: Understand how the process currently works. This can be done through process mapping or other analysis methods.

  3. Identify opportunities for improvement: Look for bottlenecks, waste or other problems in the process.

  4. Implement improvements: This may include redesigning the process, implementing new technologies, or training employees.

  5. Monitor and continuously improve: Process optimisation is a continuous process. It is important to monitor results regularly and make further improvements where necessary. 


How can Möbius help? 

Process optimisation is a powerful tool for companies striving for efficiency, productivity and improved performance. Whether you choose Lean, Six Sigma, TQM or a combination, the goal remains the same: creating more value with less work. With a solid understanding of process optimisation and a commitment to pursue continuous improvement, you can lead your organisation to new heights of success.  

Möbius has more than 25 years of experience in process optimisation in various sectors. Discover below some of our successful cases on process optimisation in the public, private and healthcare sectors. 

Frequently asked questions on process optimisation

What is the difference between Lean and Six Sigma? 
Although both Lean and Six Sigma aim to improve processes, their focus is somewhat different. Lean aims to reduce waste and shorten the lead time of processes, while Six Sigma mainly focuses on reducing variation and errors to improve quality. They are often used together in what is known as Lean Six Sigma. 
How long does it take to see results from process optimisation? 
This depends on several factors, including the complexity of the process, the scope of the changes, and the commitment of the organisation. Some improvements may be noticeable within a few weeks or months, while others may take longer. It is important to remember that process optimisation is an ongoing activity that requires constant monitoring and adjustment. 
Is process optimisation only applicable to manufacturing companies? 
No, process optimisation can be applied in any type of organisation and any field, be it service, healthcare, education, government, or anything else. Any process, whether producing goods, providing services, or performing administrative tasks, can be analysed and improved. 
Is it necessary to hire external consultants for process optimisation? 
Although external consultants can be useful for their expertise and objective view, it is not necessary to hire them for process optimisation. However, it may be useful to seek training or guidance, especially if you are new to process optimisation methods. 
How can I gain support for process optimisation in my organisation? 
Support for process optimisation can be built by communicating its importance and benefits, such as cost savings, quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Sharing success stories or case studies can also help. In addition, involving employees in the process, asking for their input and recognising their contributions are essential for gaining support and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.