Möbius guided the NIDHI and the FPS Public Health in the preparatory phase for the pilot projects on integrated care. To this end, we at Möbius developed tools and templates for elaborating the project plan for the pilot projects and supervised very intensively over a 7-month period 20 pilot projects for which interest had been expressed through a declaration of interest.
On 19 October 2015, in the Interministerial Conference, the health ministers of the states and the federal government approved a Joint Plan for the Chronically Ill entitled: 'Integrated Care for Better Health'. The implementation of the plan materialised, among other things, in pilot projects for integrated care.
Since 1 January 2018, various actors within a total of 12 pilot projects have been implementing their ambitious action plans. The 12 projects are spread across Belgium: six in Flanders, five in Wallonia and one in Brussels. These projects aim to strive for a completely different approach to care for the chronically ill: putting the patient and his/her environment at the centre and looking at help and care as a whole, across the various lines and silos of care and assistance providers. The pilot projects are an important step towards integrated care in Belgium; they are the result of close cooperation between the various care and assistance providers, in co-creation with the various authorities.
Together with several colleagues, Möbius allowed me to guide the NIDHI and the FPS Public Health in the preparatory phase. To this end, we developed tools and templates that actors in the pilot projects could use when working out the project plan.
Over a 7-month period, we intensively guided 20 pilot projects for which interest had been expressed through a declaration of interest.

To this end, we used a combination of intensive 1-on-1 coaching for each of the projects on the one hand, supervision of work sessions within the pilot regions and organisation of plenary sessions across the pilot projects in which knowledge and experience were shared.
We also worked out a methodology at Möbius that allowed a risk stratification of the challenges in the region for the pilot projects. For this purpose, access was granted to the databases of the NIHDI.
Of those 20 projects, 12 were eventually selected.
We can be proud of the result! The guidance resulted in a project plan per pilot region that determined which actions would be taken over the next four years to improve care for chronically ill patients within the region. From Möbius, we also ensured speed in the process and lifted quality to a higher level by asking critical questions when periodically reviewing the drafted plans.
For more information visit https://www.integreo.be/nl.