Brussels-Capital Region launches participation route for expats

The Brussels-Capital Region asked Möbius to design and facilitate a tailor-made citizen consultation process to obtain recommendations from its international community on how Brussels can improve its reception of cosmopolitan residents.


Strategic challenge

As a cosmopolitan region, the Brussels-Capital Region wishes to be attentive to its international residents. Although they live in large numbers in the city (1 in 3 residents of Brussels do not have Belgian nationality), they do not have voting rights at regional level. In order to gather the opinion of these people on issues that concern them, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region has given the Commissariat for Europe and International Organisations ( the responsibility of setting up a forum for dialogue with these international Brussels residents. This organisation called on Möbius to assist in the management of this project, from its conception to its implementation.

It is not easy to organise a participation project for such a complex target group on topics that are often politically sensitive, but Möbius did a great job! We had an excellent working relationship with Möbius and we were especially impressed with their capacity to organise and facilitate participative workshops for our target population. 
Bryan Watkins Project coordinator Live Here. Speak Hear.


After a first phase of framing this project, we aimed to gather a large number of ideas from our target audience on defined topics. For this purpose, a digital consultation platform was set up by our partner - CitizenLab. To attract as many people as possible to the platform, the Möbius team established and implemented a communication strategy. We were also involved in facilitating the voting process on this digital platform and analysing the results.


To transform these ideas into mature and detailed legislative proposals, the Möbius team then facilitated two rounds of workshops using the world café methodology.

The first set of workshops aimed to identify clusters of ideas, transform these into proposed solutions and associate these proposals with a list of arguments in favour of their support. These results were then refined in a second series of workshops with academic experts. The aim of this final step was to obtain realistic, concrete and coherent solutions.


In the final phase of this project, the feedback from these successive rounds of workshops was compiled by the project team in a document entitled "Manifesto of International Brussels".



In April 2022, this Manifesto was presented by a group of representatives of the international community in Brussels to the Brussels Parliament. You can consult it at the following address: Manifesto - Brussels Voice '22 (

This document compiles some twenty detailed proposals on the subject of the representation of internationals at regional level, the accessibility of public services for this population, mobility in Brussels, the management of public space, the development of the European Quarter and urban cleanliness. These proposals are the fruit of the collective reflection of around 1,400 people who are part of our target group.