The future of logistics with a Driverless Supply Chain
Mini-GuideProviding a framework to imagine your future Supply Chain, we help you think about how technology can drive the Supply Chain with far less human effort and how the change can impact the people in your team.
People in a driverless Supply Chain
If we can make cars (almost) driverless, shouldn’t we be capable then to build a Driverless Supply Chain? Investigating this idea, we found that all technical building blocks are available to put an autonomous supply chain into practice. It is a matter of time before ambitious companies will put the pieces together and create a new generation of supply chains: faster, more reliable, and more efficient. The impact on Supply Chain departments as we know them will be huge. Supply Chain leaders should prepare themselves and their teams. They should lead the change instead of undergoing it.
The objective of this mini-guide is to give you, as a leader, a framework to imagine your future Supply Chain. It aims to help you think about how technology can drive the Supply Chain with far less human effort. And it tries to give indications on how the change can impact the people in your team.
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